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Thursday 20 April 2017

Let's meet Domac ,South African rapper

                  Ladies and gentlemen, we are with Richard better known by his stage name Domac, he will take us through his struggles and ups and downs he's been facing in the industry ,for those who don't know him, you'll get to know him better after this interview.

              Hulk Admin: So Domac, tell us, why did you choose Domac as your stage name and what does it mean?

              Domac ‬: Well , when starting out my nickname was KidZ, which I had taken from Jay Z who was my biggest influence. Then when I got serious , I felt like that name was not going to make promoters take me seriously so a Friend of mine , Tbone said I could be LindoMac, Lindo being my certificate name and Mac being the gun because I used to and still sometimes rap really fast like the mac gun sprays. So now Domac to me means, a fast killer.

             Hulk Admin: Hmm, that nice, what genre of music do you do?

             Domac ‬: I am a hip hop artist. Originally , I started out doing deep underground hip hop. Now its more concentrated on the commercial trap since it is the "in" style of rap, so I also do trap now in order to be accepted by the hip hop new school community

              Hulk Admin: Hmm, interesting, who is your favorite African rapper and why?

              Domac : My favorite African rapper is AKA. He's very versatile. He can switch from one genre to another. He accommodates anyone he collaborates with, be it a fellow south African artist or from somewhere around Africa. He has always stood his ground when it comes to his craft and respect. AKA has been consistently giving us great music since he came up to the south African hip hop scene.
‬: And that is what I plan to do, keep on perfecting my craft upon getting in the industry.

                 Hulk Admin: Hmm, who's your favorite international rapper and why?

                 Domac ‬: My favorite international rapper is Lil Wayne. Regardless of his many downfalls , his music is always crisp. His delivery is phenomenal. He appreciates his fans as much as they appreciate him. I want to do that too. Not forgetting that for me to be famous and have the money and sales would be because of my fans hence I'd always appreciate them

               Hulk Admin: That's good, when did you joined the music scene? The year?

               Domac ‬: I started rapping in 2009. That started with battle raps around the streets and the back of classes and sports days in school where I started a group of four members; Me , BaadBooi, AkidNamedTbone and Ted. I then started taking recording seriously in 2013. Where I recorded my first song #WhipItHard followed by a lot of features on other rappers' songs and local bars performances.

                       Hulk Admin: What has been your biggest challenges since then?

                       Domac ‬: It has always been getting club owners and promoters booking me for any perdomances. I once had a manager, Nathan. He was very incompetent. He was never able to get me booked anywhere. It also has been marketing. I haven't been able to promote my music properly , as a result my fan base is not that much especially on social media.

                  Hulk Admin: I feel you bro, but how do you plan to tackle these challenges?

                  Domac ‬: I have started building an artist profile. More like my biography that has a professional approach. Record and finish my ep, then approach different PR Companies to get talent management and actual bookings. Especially because I haven't been able to finish college , I know that music is my only way to make it in life so I will do everything in my power. Even if it's getting a good artist manager to believe in my dream and put me out there.
In the meantime I'm saving up as much as possible.

                       Hulk Admin: That quite a plan bro, good luck though, have you ever worked for any labels earlier?

                     Domac ‬: I haven't unfortunately. I would love to. I once sent emails and called labels but they didn't get back to me.

                   Hulk Admin: Which label would you love to work for as it stands, in case they're reading this?

                    Domac ‬: I would love to work with Mabala Noise or Sony Music Group Africa.‬ I love how they take care of their artists' interests.

                    Hulk Admin: hmm huh, which top artist would you like to work with now ? In case they're reading this.

                  Domac : I would like to work with Riky Rick or AKA. I just love the effort they put in any collaborations they've worked in.

                  Hulk Admin: Hmm, that's Interesting,do you want to shout out to anyone, your producer or colleagues?

                Domac ‬: I would like to shout out to LexelBoom, my beat maker who stays in Swaziland and my bro Tbone, with BaadBooi, DecoizZ Music and my other producer MLP aka Nin9r!

               Hulk Admin: Hmm I wish I was in your shout out, lol, ok, so, were do you see yourself in the next two years?

              Domac ‬: Lol Hulkinfo too for this opportunity man!

              Hulk Admin: Lol thanks man, so were do you see yourself in the next two years?

              Domac ‬: I see myself carrying one of the biggest vodka brands in the world. Skyy Vodka endorsement deal. One of the biggest independent artists in Africa. A trendsetter.

             Hulk Admin: Hmm, that's a really high place, but it's not impossible dawg, I wish you all the luck, what are your social media contact info in case someone wants to get in touch?

              Domac ‬: Thank you so much.
Facebook : /me1hyped
Twitter : /DomacThe1st
Instagram : /iamdomac
Email :

              Hulk Admin: What words of advice do you have for fellow up coming artists like yourself?

              Domac : Always be humble. Use every opportunity put in your way. Stay true to yourself. Do music for all the right reasons. Put yourself first, no matter what the cost.One more thing, your latest song should be always better than your last release.

               Hulk Admin: That's some real encouraging words dawg, thanks for giving us your time

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